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Advisor Service

All FRS members have access to a user-friendly retirement planning solution through Alight Financial Advisors (AFA), powered by Edelman Financial Engines. AFA is an independent advisory firm whose purpose is to give you personalized, unbiased investment advice to help you reach your retirement goals.

Investment Plan and Pension Plan members are able to get professional advice on how to allocate investments through the Advisor Service at no additional cost. You can use this service for your Investment Plan account, and both Investment Plan and Pension Plan members may add in other investment accounts you, or your spouse, may have (for example, 457, 403(b), IRA, taxable brokerage account) to provide a more complete view of your retirement savings.

The Advisor Service provides a clear picture of what you may expect in retirement based on how you're currently invested and how much you're saving. You'll then receive personalized, actionable recommendations on how to adjust your investments to help meet your goals. For Investment Plan members, the advice can be implemented directly from the Advisor Service. You can also run scenario modeling to answer difficult questions like, "Do I need to save more?" and, "When can I really retire?"